Liz Hobbs sitting at desk with Remarkable tablet

My marketing background includes the corporate world of e-commerce software, the decidedly non-corporate world of a grassroots filmmaking magazine and the intriguing and occasionally offbeat landscape that is alternative higher education.

My creative background includes writing political satire for Radio 4, ensemble theatre pieces and published short stories.

In addition to this, I’m also a total yoga nerd and a qualified teacher who still teaches a much-loved weekly class.

These ostensibly disparate career threads finally started to weave together some years ago when I realised that I could put them all to use as a copywriter using ethical principles to sell goods and services, rather than relying on the shady techniques that are sadly the norm in today’s world.

Over time this has evolved into a more involved offering that includes brand storytelling and strategy that’s as fair as it is compelling.

Film editors, wellbeing practitioners, historic homes and many more; my clients past and present represent a growing number of people and business with one thing in common; they want to tell fantastic brand stories whilst staying true to their values.

Join me on my mission to do marketing differently and book your free discovery call today!

Thank You

Kelly Diels, for sharing her incomparable insight and talent.

Simone Grace Seoul for her approach to writing copy and selling in general.

Alex Cattoni, for her accessibility and spark.

And lastly but my no means least, to Martin Shaw, who continually inspires me to be claimed by the myths and stories of our world whilst resisting the urge to make sense of them.

It was a pleasure to collaborate with Liz and have her put copy together that not only sounded like me, but was structured beautifully... if you need a copywriter, do yourself a favor and hand it over to a pro.
— Catherine Schoen, business and lifestyle coach